Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Central Office Visits Chapter

Just recently the Iota Delta Chapter was visited by members of central office to help better organize the future plans of the fraternity. Ken Herman met with all the brothers throughout this week and asked them a few questions about their position and how they go about managing their roles. On the same weekend the brothers also had a retreat at the Camus Ministry building with Ken Herman and Chris Wisbrock. Chris and Ken got most of the brother brain storming about goals they would like to set for the future. An overall good time the brother gained a lot of knowledge to move forward as a chapter after a bit of a slump we have found our selves in. Some of the goals the brothers have set are to improve alumni relations, continue to hold a high academic standing, create committees, be more organized, and continue to the service work. The chapter in the upcoming weeks will reexamine these goals to see the progress they have made.