Thursday, November 18, 2010

Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the Iota Delta Chapter of Delta Tau Delta receiving its charter. Happy Anniversary Iota Delta.

Ten years ago the chapter was waiting to become a chapter of Delta Tau Delta. Since then the chapter has initiated over 100 men into the chapter and is continuing to grow. Tomorrow the chapter will welcome the Chi class into the fraternity continuing the legacy. Iota Delta has been a chapter built on the values of Truth, Courage, Faith, and Power. The chapter has used this as their guiding light to reach this moment. The fraternity has given life to many men, developed them, and made them who they are today. The chapter has had ups and downs, but has persevered through all. The chapter ten years later has a bright core of young members who will continue to take this chapter into the future. The brotherhood has sustained us. The ride has been fun and the chapter looks forward to the next 10 years.