Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Letter From University

May 8, 2009

To the men of the Iota Delta Chapter of Delta Tau Delta:

As you are well aware, you were placed on probation with Quincy University on March 13, 2009 and were given specific stipulations to follow while you were under this probationary status. Since you have been on probation, you have shown more fiscal responsibility by doing a fundraiser and getting dues from members of the fraternity. However, there still seems to be some disorganization with the fraternity.

After numerous requests for community service hour reports, I still haven’t received the completed community service hour reports from March or April. Also, the lack of judgment that the fraternity showed on Sunday, April 26, 2009 is an indication that disorganization and lack of maturity still exist among the leadership of the fraternity. By choosing to have a party involving alcohol at the Delt house, you clearly paid no respect to the probationary conditions that had been set forth by Quincy University. Therefore, based on the parameters of your probation, the next step is to remove the privilege of living in the 2006 Lind Street residence. Although this was a step the University had hoped to avoid, you have given us no choice by the actions that you have chosen to display in the recent months.

If you have any questions or more information about the matter at hand, I would be happy to meet with you. However, in the mean time, each member who was planning to live at 2006 Lind Street for the 2009-2010 academic year, must stop by Student Affairs to speak with Heather about switching their housing. If you have not made other arrangements for 2009-2010 housing by May 15th, your new housing arrangements will be chosen for you.


Crystal Sutter
Director of Student Development